Underperformance reveals failing teamwork

Other symptoms may be:

  • Fake performance and hiding facts
  • Emotional conflicts, anxiety, and bad atmosphere
  • Defensive language and low energy
  • Rebelling or passive behavior
  • Difficult individuals

Good leaders ensure a strong start for a new team, and react fast when a team is struggling.

Why teamwork?

Every, every group tries to collaborate. Depending on the skills and context, the result will be excellent, bland, or dysfunctional.

Learning teamwork, great collaboration, results in:

  • Getting the work done
  • Resilience, courage, and motivation to face challenges as one team
  • Sharing workload, competence, and leadership
  • Trust, care, and love for the shared space
  • Knowledge creation and innovation
  • Broad individual learning

Leading large organizations

Teamwork wisdom is immensely useful for leading large and complex organizations.

Create great collaboration and performance in projects, communities, organizational change, and line management.

Even remote work improves when you base your leadership on understanding teamwork.

The only antidote for bureaucracy

A teamwork-based organization is adaptive and manageable. Own teamwork of the top management is critical for big strategic bets.

Teamwork is the only antidote to bureaucracy. Only teamwork can solve the wicked problems of improving the system, overcoming the silos and narrow roles of the middle management.

Unlike bureaucratic silos, teamwork at the front line is able to solve new ambiguous interdependent tasks, in service, product development, and organizational improvement.

See slides from a thorough webinar

(Re-) Launch your team

Ensure your team performs.

Day 1

"Success is created 60 % at pre-work, 30 % in the launch, and 10 % by coaching the ongoing work -- Richard Hackman."

From a group of hesitating individuals to a team working as one

Initiate the instinctive social team development process - the affective, ethical, and normative commitment.

  • Become visible in the team as an individual and learn about each other
  • Clarify the essential conditions for success
  • Work with trust, ownership, and taking responsibility

Trust, care, and love for the shared space

Agree and guard the team culture

  • How to talk to people
  • Practice feedback, skillful dialogue, and Nonviolent Communication
  • Conflict resolution exercise

Day 2

"First the team (as a team) accepts only motivating coaching. After a mid-term crisis, the team accepts process coaching. --Richard Hackman"

Reflect the Day 1 and the group dynamics of this team. Change focus to the practical work.

Work with the real work

  • Mapping the environment: on the wall or organizational constellation
  • Clarifying the direction/purpose
  • Retrospective to find the biggest Pain. Analyze and improve the selected Pain, for example: Work management, Backlog, process problems, or the surrounding organization
  • Teamwork-friendly process dreaming-thinking-doing
  • Or a pre-planned agenda for a special topic

The trainers have decades of experience in Agile, organizations, and teamwork. There is plenty of room to drill in the difficult questions of the participants.

Team leadership training

Understand teamwork and learn to launch a team successfully. Valuable for all leaders, coaches, and influential team members.

We carry out and experience the agenda as in a launch workshop. We use less time for the exercises, and focus on facilitation, reflection, and learning the background theories:

Group dynamics and norms

  • Group identity forming
  • Intrinsic motivation
  • Trust, care, and love
  • Creating and sharing tacit knowledge
  • Organizational culture and norms
  • Conflict resolution exercise
  • Leadership and group dynamics in team development: Forming, Storming, Dreaming, Performing (Tuckman's *orming corrected)
  • Dysfunctional teams: Dependency, Happy family, depressed team, narcissistic disturbances, Groupthink, difficult individuals
  • Essential psychological concepts: power, projection, defenses, ...
  • Leadership Q/A

Enabling teamwork by teamwork-based change

  • Initiating Continuous Improvement
  • Structures for organizations of different sizes
  • Key enablers of success

Organizational patterns

  • Organizational Culture
  • Hackman's enabling organizational conditions: Real team, Compelling purpose, Right people, Clear norms of conduct, Supportive organizational context, and Team‐focused coaching
  • Teamwork-friendly process dreaming-thinking-doing
  • Leadership and teamwork in Communities of Practice
  • Coordination Chaos
  • Teamwork as the antidote for bureaucratic control
  • Straighten Agile misunderstandings
  • Remote teams

Free Meetup

Teamwork Meetup →

Venue Time
Brainlab headquarters 19.7.2023 – 19.7.2023 → Register

Interactive talk and exercises. Please look at the registration link for the exact agenda.

Public training

Teamwork Wisdom →

Venue Time
München, Germany 11.1.2024 – 12.1.2024 → Register

Release the hidden potential of your organization. Invite everyone to contribute to great collaboration and performance.

Private training

Please enquire for private training and coaching.